Fernvale Pre-School / Nursery Consultation 


Link to online consultation below:

Shaping the future of

Fernvale Primary School

Consultation on a possible Pre-school / Nursery

PUBLIC MEETING 21st November 2024 Fernvale School Hall 5:30pm to learn more about the proposal and consultation.

The School

Fernvale Primary School is located on Somerby Road Leicester LE7 9PR . The school currently takes 60 pupils into its two Early Years Foundation classes in September each year. 

Why are we consulting? 

This letter and presentation below outlines why the Trust and school is thinking about a proposal to create a pre-school in Thurnby and at Fernvale school.

 You are invited to our consultation meeting on 21st November 5:30pm at Fernvale Primary School to learn more about the proposal.

This is the start of public consultation and you will have a number of opportunities to express your views. Your views, along with all the comments we receive, will be considered together with other information that will help the Trust decide whether or not Fernvale Primary School should move forward with its proposal.

The Trust has not yet made a decision on this expansion and will listen carefully to views expressed in response to this consultation before doing so. 

This is an early stage in the consultation process and we want to listen to local views before deciding whether or not to take the next step in expanding the school. The law relating to expansions, as well as the time it would take us to implement any building works, means that any school expansion proposal would need to be agreed by the DFE and LA.

Please take the time to complete the ONLINE questionnaire so that we can take account of your views. Please complete the questionnaire by 9am on Friday 6th December 2024.

Consultation starts on the 15th November and runs for 3 weeks.

Paper copies are available via the school office by request.

Thank you in advance for your support with this matter.